Thursday, November 24, 2016

Short, Silent Film Project

Here is your plan for this project.

You are to work in a group of  2, 3 or 4 (no more).

You must create a short film that has no audible dialogue and tells a story.

Aim for 1 to 2 minutes in length.

Here are the steps to follow:

1 - Storyboard and script -Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday
Plan your story and shot types.  I'm looking for some quick sketches that represent each scene.
  - Written summary and storyboard required

Plan your theme/moral/conflict and music - These two things are very important as they will help you get your story across.

2 - Film
Begin filming your project.

I would recommend you shoot the all of the footage of one actor first and then the next, etc...That way you won't have any errors with continuity.

3 - Edit

Use Adobe Premiere Elements to edit your film.

Add music and sound effects as needed.

Shot Type Video


  • Actors - Actors are required in order to tell a story, and since there are no words you must use actions and emotions to help get the message across to your audience.

  • Sound effects and music - Since there is no speech, music and sound effects are necessary to set the tone and atmosphere of the film.  Is it funny, tense, exciting, scary - The choice of music needs to reflect the feeling of the video.

  • Subtitles - Are not required, but may be used instead of speech.

  • Theme or Moral - Your film must express a theme or moral at the end.  What is the purpose of the story?  What message can the audience take from the film?

  • Include a variety of shot types and cuts.

You will be assessed using the following information.

Planning and Process - /10: Did you develop an original concept? Did you use props or costumes? Did you complete a summary and a storyboard? 

Polish and Professionalism - /20:  Are your cuts and edits clean? Did you pay attention to continuity? Is your video school appropriate? Did you use a tripod?

Techniques and Product - /20:  Did you experiment with a variety of shot types? Did you use appropriate music? Is your project complete? Does it communicate a message?

Time Management - /5:  Did you complete the assignment on time?

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