Thursday, November 24, 2016

Short, Silent Film Project

Here is your plan for this project.

You are to work in a group of  2, 3 or 4 (no more).

You must create a short film that has no audible dialogue and tells a story.

Aim for 1 to 2 minutes in length.

Here are the steps to follow:

1 - Storyboard and script -Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday
Plan your story and shot types.  I'm looking for some quick sketches that represent each scene.
  - Written summary and storyboard required

Plan your theme/moral/conflict and music - These two things are very important as they will help you get your story across.

2 - Film
Begin filming your project.

I would recommend you shoot the all of the footage of one actor first and then the next, etc...That way you won't have any errors with continuity.

3 - Edit

Use Adobe Premiere Elements to edit your film.

Add music and sound effects as needed.

Shot Type Video


  • Actors - Actors are required in order to tell a story, and since there are no words you must use actions and emotions to help get the message across to your audience.

  • Sound effects and music - Since there is no speech, music and sound effects are necessary to set the tone and atmosphere of the film.  Is it funny, tense, exciting, scary - The choice of music needs to reflect the feeling of the video.

  • Subtitles - Are not required, but may be used instead of speech.

  • Theme or Moral - Your film must express a theme or moral at the end.  What is the purpose of the story?  What message can the audience take from the film?

  • Include a variety of shot types and cuts.

You will be assessed using the following information.

Planning and Process - /10: Did you develop an original concept? Did you use props or costumes? Did you complete a summary and a storyboard? 

Polish and Professionalism - /20:  Are your cuts and edits clean? Did you pay attention to continuity? Is your video school appropriate? Did you use a tripod?

Techniques and Product - /20:  Did you experiment with a variety of shot types? Did you use appropriate music? Is your project complete? Does it communicate a message?

Time Management - /5:  Did you complete the assignment on time?

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

One week of game design...And other stuff.

Seesaw app - Class Code:  PWPI XNAN

For the next week you have eight options

Option 1 - Basic Coding

Play around in

You can do the following tutorials:

Play with coding on

Make Flappy Bird
MineCraft Hour of Code
Star Wars - Block Code
Star Wars - Java Script

Option 2 - More Advanced Coding

Explore - App Lab

You can complete the 4 video tutorials.

Once the video tutorials are complete, you can work on remixing projects at the bottom of the page.

Option 3 - Drag and Drop Coding

Use Construct2 to create a game

Use this tutorial to build a top down shooter in Construct2.  Feel free to replace the images with your own ideas.

You can find Construct2 by going to the following:

Start - Computer - Classes (X) - NEAL - Construct2 - Then run the file with the gear icon beside it (Construct2)

The tutorial is good, but you need to make sure to read it closely.

Option 4 - Game Maker - Basic

You can find Game Maker by going to the following:

Start - Computer - Classes (X drive) - NEAL - Portable Software - Game Maker Pro 8.0 - Game_Maker

Option 5 - Game Maker - Advanced

Re-make the Legend of Zelda (NES)

Option 6 - Blender (3D modelling and animation software)

Work with Blender - It is installed on the network computers - On the desktop, under courseware,

You can complete one or all of the following tutorials:

Ice Text - Use your own name

Text transformation - Use your own name

Pool Balls

Soccer ball with stitching

Option 7 - Animation - Create a stick figure animation using Pivot

Create an animation that tells a story using Pivot

Pivot can be found by going to the following:

Start - Computer - Classes (X drive) - Animation - Pivot - pivot_stick

Option 8 - Digital Art

You can do this two ways:

1.  Draw some art on paper, photograph or scan it and then use Photoshop to add detail and colour.

2.  Draw some art using a drawing tablet and Photoshop or a Microsoft Surface tablet.

On Thursday, December 14th - We will stop working, show what we have completed, and answer some questions regarding the software we have used.

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Photography Assignment

For your photography assignment you are going to take a series of pictures that tells a story.  You will then use Photoshop Elements, full Photoshop or Comic Life to create comic book pages.  You'll put your photos in order within the boxes, add some filters, and voila, you've made a real life comic book.

1: Start by planning - Check out some comic book layouts and designs -

See what layouts Comic Life has to offer you.

2: Then plan out your narrative -

Above are a bunch of story starters, there are 25 on that page, but there are more links at the bottom to check out.  Select one of those prompts, or come up with your own.

3:  Storyboard your photos - Remember subject placement.  Remember rule of thirds.  Consider that you're going to use speech bubbles or text in your panels.  Think about taking photographs of settings, and people, close ups and long shots.

4:  Take your photos - You must take a minimum of 20 pictures for this assignment.

* PLEASE MAKE SURE THEY ARE IN FOCUS...If they aren't take them again.

I will not accept an assignment if a picture is out of focus.  You will retake the photo and resubmit the assignment.

Use Comic Life to create your comic book.

6.  Add filters (we will cover these in class) to your images to make them look comic book-y

You are done.  If you feel like getting super creative you can also create a cover.


Monday, October 10, 2016

Video Assignment - Speaker's Corners

Video Assignment - Speakers Corners!

Purpose:  Spark debate, promote ODSS, Learn about interview shots, and learn basic editing software.

This assignment has been created in order to teach you the basics of filming.  It may be review for some of you.

Your Task:  Create a video of 1 minute in length (including title and credits) that shows a variety of views and opinions on a topic you create.  Be sure to use appropriate interview shot techniques.

The Steps:


1.  Choose a partner and together come up with a question related to ODSS that will spark debate or create discussion and allow people to express their opinion when asked.  It needs to be a question that requires deep thought and not a simple yes or no question.


Create something that is funny, but promotes ODSS and it's interesting characteristics in a fun way.

Questions can be similar to:
“What is the best thing about ODSS and why?”
“What is the best school day of the year?”
“Which teacher makes you laugh the most?”
“What are your pet peeves?”

When you’ve developed your question write it down and show it to me.  It must be approved before you begin getting footage.

2.  Plan your workload.

With your partner plan what will be done.  Write out what tasks each person is required to complete.  It must be an equal partnership.  Also, include what equipment you may need.

Both of you will be editing.

3.  Prepare a GoogleDoc that states your question and the roles that each group member will have.  Share that GoogleDoc with your partner and me.

4.  Scout for a filming location.  You may use the Com Tech room and the green screen.  Otherwise, you may use any location around the school.


5.  Get video and audio footage of at least 10 students/teachers sharing their opinion on the question asked.  

Remember to keep yourself out of the frame.

Try to get a good balance of answers...Not just people saying the same thing.  Feel free to prompt them as well.

Background selection and rule of thirds is important.

So is framing your shot - Think about background, close up, medium close up or medium shot - Make sure to use a variety of shot types to add variety to your interview.


6.  Pull your footage from your device and load it into Adobe Premiere OR Open Shot.

7.  Choose appropriate footage and edit it together.

8. Use text to outline the question being asked and the person's name who is answering them.

9.  Add a title sequence at the beginning and credits at the end