Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Raster vs Vector Images

For our first unit we're going to explore the difference between raster and vector images.

For our first assignment we're going to convert a raster image into a vector image using Google Drawings

We'll learn:

1.  How to log into our UGCloud accounts
2.  How to open a Google Drawing
3.  How to use some basic tools
4.  The reasons to use a raster image vs. a vector image.

Vector portrait with Google Drawing tutorial

A way longer - But way more detailed tutorial

You will be assessed using the following scale:

Polish and Professionalism - /10: How neat and clean is your final product? Do the colours used represent the original image? Is it a school appropriate portrait?

Techniques - /10:  Did you follow the instructions provided in class? Did you use the appropriate tools?

Time Management - /5:  Did you complete the required task on time?

Monday, August 28, 2017


Hello all,

Welcome to grade 10 Com Tech at ODSS.  It's going to be a great semester here in room 507!

ComTech the Documentary

Here is your course outline.