Tuesday, October 24, 2017

One more Photoshop Assignment


Here is your first assignment.

It is designed as a basic introduction to Photoshop.  The purpose is to teach you a variety of tools, layering, cut and paste, colour alterations, etc.

You are to get a new portrait of yourself (we will take this in class).  Feel free to pose how you want.

You must then edit your photo using a variety of images to make yourself look like a zombie.

Feel free to use any images you like - Meat is a good example.

Keep in mind that search terms can be logged and examined at a later date, so don't be searching for weird, grotesque images.

The final product will be a JPEG file with your original image and your manipulated image side by side.


You will be assessed on the following:

Creativity and Originality:  /10

  • Is your image creative, does it look significantly different than your original portrait?
  • Did you use a variety of image types to build your image?
Polish and Professionalism: /10
  • Is your Photoshop work neat and tidy?
  • Does the final product look professional?
  • Does your image look fake? Is this intentional?
Time Management: /5
  • Did you use your class time to the fullest?
  • Did you meet the deadline?
Technique: /10
  • Did you use a variety of images?
  • Did you manipulate a number of aspects of that image?
  • Does your image blend together nicely?

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Photoshop Portfolio Assignment

For your summative Photoshop assignment you will complete all of the tasks below in order to build a portfolio of Photoshop work.  Details are listed below.

Task 1

You must recreate an old-timey boxing poster.

Use one of the following examples as a template - Meaning follow the layout and design of the image.  Try to copy it to the best of your ability, but also make some changes or alterations.

You may use any stock images, or images that you find on Google.  You may also photograph your own pictures for this assignment.

Website for Font Generator - https://cooltext.com/

Example 1

Example 2

Task 2

You must use Photoshop to create a YouTube Banner.  The YouTube banner must communicate a message about you.  It needs to relate to you, or express something about your personality.  You must use a combination of colour, images and text.

The YouTube banner template can be found here

Open the banner template in Photoshop.  You are then going to create a new document that is 2560 x 424 pixels large.  Create your banner on that new document.  When you are complete, copy the final banner onto the template as a new layer and position it on top of the "Desktop Max" area.  Unlock the background layer (double click on the lock in the layers panel) and then delete the template layer.

Here are some resources for you to check out:

Banner Examples




Font Resources

Create and download a font easily here:  http://www15.flamingtext.com/

Save your image and share it with me.

Task 3

Similar to the boxing poster, create a retro concert poster for a current band/singer/rapper/lipsyncher

Use one of the following examples as a template to create a concert poster for a current musical artist

<<<< Example 1

Example 2

Example 3

Task 4

Create box art for a video game that exists (but only digitally) or does not exist - make one up.

Use multiple images from the source material to create an appealing looking video game box.

You can get templates and assets from here: http://vgboxart.com/

Monday, September 11, 2017

Your First Assignment - Logo Design

For this assignment you are going to create a personal logo using a piece of software called InkScape.

You will learn about:

Vector vs Raster images
Logo Designs
Colour Theory

Google just made a big change...Let's watch their evolution.

30 Great Band Logos

Let's look at how a logo is designed.

Let's move into InkScape and follow a design tutorial - InkScape Logo Tutorial

Once that is complete, adapt it in some way, shape, or form to make it more original.

Now - Your assignment.

You are going to create your own personal logo.  Since this is a "Communications Technology" course, the logo you design must create a message...About you to me.

I'm the audience, and with your logo, I want to get a sense of who you are and what you're like.

There are a variety of ways to express specific things about you:
Your logo must include an image and textform...However, each piece of your logo should be able to stand on its own.

You must sketch 5 different varieties of your logo, and include colour.

You may then have your design approved by me and start creating it in InkScape

You will be assessed using the following information below.

Here are a few links to use for inspiration:

Here's the timeline:

Monday - Start tutorial above
Tuesday - Continue tutorial and/or start sketching
Wednesday - Sketching
Thursday - Sketches are due
Friday - Begin translating your sketching to Inkscape

This is how you will be assessed:

Creativity and Originality - /10:  How original is your logo?  Did you take an idea and make it your own?  How did you go through the creative process?  Did your logo change designs?

Polish and Professionalism - /10:  How neat and clean is your logo.  Does it include anything inappropriate?  Does your logo represent you in some way, shape or form?

Techniques - /10:  Did you rely on basic cut and paste techniques or did you challenge yourself to learn something new?  Did you make colour adjustments?  Did you think about colour and design placement when you were working?

Time Management - /5:  Did you complete the required task on time?

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Raster vs Vector Images

For our first unit we're going to explore the difference between raster and vector images.

For our first assignment we're going to convert a raster image into a vector image using Google Drawings

We'll learn:

1.  How to log into our UGCloud accounts
2.  How to open a Google Drawing
3.  How to use some basic tools
4.  The reasons to use a raster image vs. a vector image.

Vector portrait with Google Drawing tutorial

A way longer - But way more detailed tutorial

You will be assessed using the following scale:

Polish and Professionalism - /10: How neat and clean is your final product? Do the colours used represent the original image? Is it a school appropriate portrait?

Techniques - /10:  Did you follow the instructions provided in class? Did you use the appropriate tools?

Time Management - /5:  Did you complete the required task on time?

Monday, August 28, 2017


Hello all,

Welcome to grade 10 Com Tech at ODSS.  It's going to be a great semester here in room 507!

ComTech the Documentary

Here is your course outline.